Demo​ ​installation

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You can either start building your site from scratch, or import one of our demo sites and then modify it to fit your needs. We will now explain how to do the latter. Norebro Theme comes with the one-click import plugin. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Import Demo Data from the WordPress admin panel;
  2. Choose the demo you want to install and click on the “Import” button​ below​.

WordPress will download all the content for the demo and then you will get a message saying that everything​ ​has​ ​been​ ​installed. The demo page will be set as your Front Page. If you want to change this you need to do:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Reading from the WordPress admin panel;
  2. Find Your homepage displays option and toggle the switcher to A static page (select below).
  3. Set​ another​ Front​ ​Page from dropdown menu.
Please note that the images we use are copyrighted, and if you’d like to publish them on your site, you would need to purchase them separately. We bought most of our images on Shutterstock.

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