Smooth scroll menu

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You can use smooth scrolling between sections in “one-page” website. See a live demo here. To activate smooth scroll, firstly you must enable this feature here:

  1. Navigate to Theme Settings > Header & Menu from the WordPress admin panel;
  2. Choose Other Settings from the tabs menu section;
  3. Find Onepage scroll menu option and toggle the switcher to “Yes”.

Add Section ID

The next step is to add a unique ID to each section.

  1. Navigate to Pages > Your Page from the WordPress admin panel;
  2. Click the “edit” link below to open a Visual Composer editor of your page.
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit row or section;
  4. On General tab of the Row Settings menu add a unique ID for your row (i.e: #section-unique-id);
  5. Save popup and page changes.

Add menu links

The final step is to add links to your website menu. You have to create a menu and setting up your anchor links:

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Menus from the WordPress admin panel;
  2. Add Custom Links menu item;
  3. Paste your ID (i.e: #section-unique-id) in the URL row and click a “Save Menu” button.

Now, you should have a smooth scroll menu on your website.

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