Theme licenses and activation

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When purchasing Norebro Theme from ThemeForest, you have two licensing options. The Regular License, and the Extended License. The billing, licensing terms and process is purely handled by Envato (the company who owns ThemeForest), and we have no control over these aspects. To learn more about what each License is for and which one to purchase, continue reading below.

There are two types of theme licenses you can purchase from Envato: Regular license and Extended license:

Regular License

Allows you to activate the theme on local/staging environment and for one domain only. A domain is considered only the top level domain, you can activate the regular license on multiple subdomains of that domain for example if you activate the theme in this domain

One license is valid for one domain only. If you want to use the theme on another domain, then you have to purchase another license.

Extended License

Allows you to activate the theme on any domain and local/staging environment.

License Specifications

Further reading about license specifications on Envato market »

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