Theme updating

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You can enable the Auto-Updating feature for Norebro. To do this, please first of all make sure that you have the Envato Market plugin activated. The Envato Market plugin is already included in the theme pack, so you don’t have to download it.

Before Updating please read all the release notes for the update, found in the changelog. Be sure to read the notes for every release since the last time you updated. Also consider deactivating caching plugins temporarily to avoid the caching of old markup.

Then you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to page and generate an Envato API token;
  2. Give your token a name, agree to the terms and click on the “Create Token” button;
  3. Copy the generated token;
  4. Go to Dashboard Menu > Envato Market and paste your token in the Token line. Then click on “Save Changes”.

Congratulations! Now that you have the Envato Market plugin, you can go to Appearance > Themes and see if there is any updates.

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