Installing Shop

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Once you activate WooCommerce plugin for the first time, you are invited to set up your shop using the WooCommerce setup wizard. It is pretty intuitive and allows you to get your shop running in no time.

More about getting started with WooCommerce:

More about the setup Wizard:

If you want to get started manually, or skipped the setup wizard, then you need to get a set of shop pages.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Status
  2. Click on the Tools tab
  3. Find the Create default WooCommerce pages tool
  4. Click on Create pages at the right

Now you have a set of shop pages and are ready to work with WooCommerce.

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Import Demo Data from the WordPress admin panel;
  2. Choose the demo you want to install and click on the “Import” button​ below​.

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