
Release Notes

We always update our themes with new features, bug fixes, and improvements. We strongly recommend you to read this guide before making updates. In case you have any issues, please check this article or contact our help center.

# [Ver 3.4.2] – July 18, 2024

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Mobile menu background option applying issue fix;

## Added
- Option to set an inverse variant for Clients Logo element;
- WooCommerce 9.1 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.4.2 version;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.2.6 version;

# [Ver 3.4.1] – July 06, 2024

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Global links color applying issue fix;
- Slider Revolution dark scheme overlay color issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.4.1 version;

# [Ver 3.4.0] – July 03, 2024

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

## Added
- Dynamic CSS reworked with CSS custom properties (variables);
- New improved Theme Settings UI;
- UI translation files in German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch;
- Option to set the buttons color for the entire site;
- Option to set the buttons (hover) color for the entire site;
- Option to set the overlay color for the entire site;
- Option to set the dark mode text color for the entire site;
- Option to set the dark mode fill color for the entire site;
- Option to set the sidebar background for the entire site;
- Option to set the corner radius value for the entire site;
- Option to set the grid gutters value for the entire site;
- Option to set the breadcrumbs position for the entire site;
- Option to add extra buttons to the header menu;
- Option to set the Light/Dark/Auto (System Colors) color scheme;
- Option to display a cookie icon on the notice banner;
- Option to set the border width for shortcodes and widgets;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.4.0 version;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.2.5 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;
## Notes
- After updating to this version, you might lose your Theme Settings interface localization.
  Download Ohio's All Files & Documentation package and check for the required language file 
  under Extras > Languages directory.

# [Ver 3.3.9] – June 21, 2024

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Wishlist icon fill on save for lazy-loaded items issue fixed;

## Added
- WooCommerce 8.9 compatibility added;
- Excerpt field to Compact Slider project added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.9 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;

# [Ver 3.3.8] – April 09, 2024

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Single product quickview gallery issue fixed;
- Hamburger scrolling with one-page menu issue fixed;
- Isotope spacing with a load more pagination issue fixed;
- Mobile shop filters overlay color issue fixed;

## Added
- Product quantity input with a custom value;
- WordPress 6.5 compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 8.7 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.8 version;

# [Ver 3.3.7] – February 24, 2024

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Wide menu markers style issue fixed;
- Scroll-to-top custom typography applying issue fixed;
- Portfolio with populated gallery preview issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.7 version;

# [Ver 3.3.6] – February 21, 2024

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Single post sharing buttons position on tables issue fixed;
- Single project healine color customization issue fixed;
- Word trim for project descriptions with Asian languages issue fixed;
- Typography options applying for a text logo issue fixed;
- Video element width animation issue fixed;

## Added
- WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 8.6 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.6 version;

# [Ver 3.3.5] – January 06, 2024

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Mobile hamburger menu icon position issue fixed;
- Carousel element width issue fixed;

## Added
- WooCommerce 8.4 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.5 version;

# [Ver 3.3.4] – December 12, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Aria-label attributes in interactive elements issue fixed;
- Main menu and sticky footer dynamic typo issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to choose the color mode switcher layout;
- Option to enable/disable a dark section mode for the page headline;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.4 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;

# [Ver 3.3.3] – November 17, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Single product mobile appearance issue fixed;
- Custom color for the hamburger overlay issue fixed;
- Single project video cover visibility issue fixed;
- Tilt effect for lazy loaded images issue fixed;
- Single product image size customization issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to enable/disable randomized project order;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.3 version;
- Ohio Portfolio plugin to the 1.1.3 version;
## Notes
- After updating to the current version, a single product image size might be set to defaults.
  To change that navigate to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images.

# [Ver 3.3.2] – October 25, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

## Added
- Option to set a blog post layout for each post;
- Option to choose the subscribe popup type;
- Option to choose the subscribe popup featured image position;
- Option to set the subscribe popup background color;
- Option to set the subscribe popup height;
- Option to set the subscribe popup width;
- Option to set the subscribe popup close button color;
- Option to show/hide the subscribe popup close link;
- Option to set the color switcher typography for a specific page;
- WooCommerce 8.2 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.2 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;
## Notes
- After updating to the current version, a single blog post layout might be set to Standard. 
  To change that navigate to Theme Settings > Post > General.

# [Ver 3.3.1] – September 06, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- SVG logo size issue fixed;
- Cards overlay width issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.1 version;

# [Ver 3.3.0] – September 05, 2023

### Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Product adding to cart with AJAX issue fixed;
- Writing a product review issue fixed;

### Added
- New social network (Threads);
- Wide archive blog layout added;
- Compact slider single project layout added;
- Button filter layout added;
- Typography transform and decoration properties;
- Option to choose a portfolio filter layout;
- Option to set a divider color for the blog archive grid;
- Option to show/hide the post author in the page headline;
- Option to show/hide the post date in the page headline;
- Option to show/hide post comments in the page headline;
- Option to enable/disable hamburger menu caption;
- Option to enable/disable hamburger menu caption background color;
- New Design Studio demo added;
- WooCommerce 8.0 compatibility added;

### Updated
- Twitter icon updated to the new X;
- Font Awesome updated to the 6.4.2 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.0 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;
## Notes
After updating to the current version project excerpt might be visible. 
To disable it open Portfolio Projects widget and look for "Excerpt visibility" option.

# [Ver 3.2.5] – June 16, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Product adding to cart with AJAX issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide the post author in the page headline;
- Option to show/hide the post date in the page headline;
- Option to show/hide post comments in the page headline;
- WooCommerce 7.8 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.5 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;

# [Ver 3.2.4] – June 09, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Video element animation (Safari) issue fixed;
- ACF update package not found issue fixed;
- Single tab options applying in Accordion element issue fixed;

## Added
- Correct popup placement for Gallery element added;
- WooCommerce 7.7 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.4 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;

# [Ver 3.2.3] – April 27, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

## Added
- New social network (Houzz);
- Option to export/import Theme Settings;
- Option to show/hide video in the portfolio lightbox carousel;
- Option to show/hide empty categories in the portfolio layout with a standard pagination;
- Option to export/import theme settings;
- Option to reset theme settings to defaults;
- WooCommerce 7.6 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.3 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;

# [Ver 3.2.2] – March 22, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Color mode switcher mobile issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide the date of publication on blog items;
- Option to set a custom cart image;
- Option to set a custom my account image;
- WooCommerce 7.5 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.2 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;

# [Ver 3.2.1] – Fabruary 14, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Portfolio layout with caption cursor mobile issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Blog page template;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Portfolio page template;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.1 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;

# [Ver 3.2.0] – Fabruary 12, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

## Added
- New Badge element;
- Option to enable/disable an equal height for product cards;
- Option to add an icon/image for Message element;
- Option to add an icon size for Message element;
- Option to set a border radius for Video element;
- Option to enable/disable a tilt effect for Video element;
- Option to enable/disable a tilt effect for Services Table element;
- Option to enable/disable a tilt effect for Pricing Table element;
- Option to enable/disable a contained layout for Pricing Table element;
- Option to set a border radius for Pricing Table element;
- Option to set a background color for Pricing Table element;
- Option to enable/disable a highlighted text for Heading element;
- Option to enable/disable a highlighted text animation for Heading element;
- Option to set a highlighter height for Heading element;
- Option to enable/disable a blur effect for Cookies notice;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Banner element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Banner element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Blog Posts element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Blog Posts element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Button element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Button element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for CTA element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for CTA element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Compare element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Compare element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Gallery element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Gallery element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Message element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Message element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Portfolio Projects element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Portfolio Projects element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Pricing Table element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Pricing Table element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Services Table element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Services Table element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Shop Category Table element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Shop Category Table element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Team Member element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Team Member element;
- Option to enable/disable a drop shadow effect for Video element;
- Option to set a drop shadow intensity for Video element;
- WooCommerce 7.3 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.0 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.1.9] – January 6, 2023

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Grouped product quantity switcher issue fixed;
- Elementor Pro contact form widget issue fixed;

## Added
- Bootstrap icon font library added;
- Option to set an icon size value for Circle Progress element;
- Option to set an icon size value for Counter element;
- Option to set an icon size value for Icon Box element;
- Option to set an icon size value for Services Table element;
- Option to enable/disable Font Awesome 5 icons preloading;
- Option to enable/disable Ionicons icons preloading;
- Option to enable/disable Bootstrap icons preloading;
- Option to enable/disable Linea icons preloading;
- Option to enable/disable AJAX add to cart feature for a single product;
- WooCommerce 7.2 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.9 version;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.2.4 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.1.8] – November 22, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Variation product add to cart quantity issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide social networks on the specific page;
- WooCommerce 7.1 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.8 version;

# [Ver 3.1.7] – November 08, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Custom selects dark mode issue fixed;
- Single post share bar dark mode issue fixed;
- Blog page template sticky post output issue fixed;

## Added
- WordPress 6.1 compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.7 version;

# [Ver 3.1.6] – October 20, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Minimal product archive layout add to cart issue fixed;

## Added
- Image transition portfolio hover effect added;
- Option to set a featured video cover for single projects added;
- Option to fit a featured video cover for single projects added;
- WooCommerce 7.0 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.6 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.1.5] – October 10, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- WooCommerce My Account sign in issue fixed;
- Mobile menu visibility issue fixed;

## Added
- WooCommerce 6.9 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.5 version;

# [Ver 3.1.4] – September 27, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- RTL row stretching issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to add a custom content to the mobile menu overlay added;
- Option to set a video start time for YouTube/Vimeo players in a single project;
- Option to set an autoplay mode for YouTube/Vimeo players in a single project;
- Option to set a muted mode for YouTube/Vimeo players in a single project;
- Option to show/hide controls for YouTube/Vimeo players in a single project;
- Option to show/hide title for Vimeo player in a single project;
- Option to show/hide author for Vimeo player in a single project;
- WooCommerce 6.9 compatibility added;
- ACF Pro 6.0 styles issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.4 version;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.2.3 version;

# [Ver 3.1.3] – September 08, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Shop archive layout theme settings defaults issue fixed;
- Related products wrapper classes issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide product rating on an archive page;
- Classic archive product layout added;
- Image transition product hover effect added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.3 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.1.2] – August 31, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Footer copyright bar typography options issue fixed;
- Elementor Pro header and footer usage issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide stock badge on product page;
- Option to open products sharing link in a new tab;
- Option to open posts sharing link in a new tab;
- Option to open projects sharing link in a new tab;
- Option to set slider animation direction on mobile devices;
- Split Screen single product layout added;
- Split Screen - Reflected single product layout added;
- Classic Gallery single product layout added;
- Classic Gallery - Reflected single product layout added;
- Grid Gallery single product layout added;
- Grid Gallery - Reflected single product layout added;
- YITH WooCommerce Featured Video compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.2 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.1.1] – August 16, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Footer copyright bar typography options issue fixed;
- Portfolio Next/Prev permalinks issue fixed;
- Global portfolio category visibility option issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide scroll to top anchor on tablets;
- Option to show/hide social networks on tablets;
- Option to set footer logo height;
- Option to set a muted mode for Vimeo player;
- Option to show/hide author for Vimeo player;
- Option to show/hide title for Vimeo player;
- Option to show/hide controls for YouTube/Vimeo players;
- Option to set a video start time for YouTube/Vimeo players;
- WooCommerce Product Recommendations compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 6.8 compatibility added;
- WPML config for Ohio Extra plugin added;
- WPML config for Ohio Portfolio plugin added;
- WPML config for Ohio theme added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.1 version;
- Ohio Portfolio plugin to the 1.1.2 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.1.0] – June 22, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Select dropdown color in the dark mode (Firefox only) issue fixed;

## Added
- WebP image format compatibility;
- Local page option to set a hamburger menu position;
- Option to enable/disable round buttons animation effect;
- Option to show/hide cart icon when it's empty;
- Option to set custom sticky logo dark mode variant;
- Option to set sticky logo height;

## Updated
- Google Fonts list updated;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.0 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.0.9] – May 25, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Notification option to enable/disable link opening in a new tab issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to set notification button color;
- Option to set notification link typography;
- Option to set social networks color in the coming soon mode;
- Option to set subscribe popup form details typography;
- Option to set subscribe popup close link typography;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.9 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.0.9] – May 25, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Notification option to enable/disable link opening in a new tab issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to set notification button color;
- Option to set notification link typography;
- Option to set social networks color in the coming soon mode;
- Option to set subscribe popup form details typography;
- Option to set subscribe popup close link typography;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.9 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 3.0.8] – May 20, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Video button with preview caption position issue fixed;
- WooCommerce search result product output issue fixed;

## Added
- WooCommerce 6.5 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.8 version;

# [Ver 3.0.7] – May 17, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Option to show/hide social networks in mobile menu fixed;
- Option to set notification colors fixed;
- Option to set page wrapper width fixed;

## Added
- Option to set footer links color;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.7 version;

# [Ver 3.0.6] – May 12, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Section decoration title option (WPBakery only) issue fixed;
- Project header with parallax scrolling effect issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.6 version;

# [Ver 3.0.5] – May 09, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Single product tabs element height issue fixed;
- Single project with sticky footer styles issue fixed;
- Button element with custom image issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide single project title;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.5 version;

# [Ver 3.0.4] – May 05, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Single product tabs element height issue fixed;
- Single project with sticky footer styles issue fixed;
- Button element with custom image issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to enable/disable text wrap for message element;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.4 version;

# [Ver 3.0.3] – May 02, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Subheader typography option issue fixed;
- Sticky header height option issue fixed;
- Button component with appear transitions issue fixed;
- Compare component image quality issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.3 version;

# [Ver 3.0.2] – April 26, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Portfolio page template filter alignment issue fixed;
- Single project buttons z-index issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.2 version;

# [Ver 3.0.1] – April 25, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Split single post type mobile styles fixed;
- Blog items per row option issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to enable/disable links underline effect;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.1 version;

# [Ver 3.0.0] – April 20, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

## Added
- PHP 8.0 compatibility;
- WordPress 5.9.3 compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 6.4 compatibility added;
- Theme's main layouts reworked and improved;
- Theme's CSS and JS files reworked and improved;
- Figma design source files reworked and improved;
- WPBakery/Elementor shortcodes/widgets reworked and improved;
- Design Options tab added for all the custom WPBakery shortcodes;
- Banner element new hover effects;
- Team Member element new hover effects;
- Gallery element new hover effects;
- Product archive element new hover effects;
- New social network (Tripadvisor);
- New portfolio archive layout;
- New single blog post layout;
- Full RTL support;
- Single product mobile gallery navigation;
- Option to set global links hover color;
- Option to enable/disable fixed header position;
- Option to set a single post layout;
- Option to set a thickness variation for Progress Bar element;
- Option to set a thickness variation for Circle Progress Bar element;
- Option to set an icon size and style variations for Circle Progress Bar element;
- Option to set an icon size and style variations for Counter element;
- Option to set an icon size and style variations for Services Table element;
- Option to set an avatar size variation for Testimonial element;
- Option to set a shape size variation for Video element;
- Option to set a blurred type for Video element;
- Option to set a size variation for Message element;
- Option to set a size variation for Social Networks element;
- Option to set a border radius for Banner element;
- Option to set a border radius for Blog Posts element;
- Option to set a border radius for Button element;
- Option to set a border radius for Countdown element;
- Option to set a border radius for Gallery element;
- Option to set a border radius for Instagram Feed element;
- Option to set a border radius for Message element;
- Option to set a border radius for Portfolio Projects element;
- Option to set a border radius for Progress Bar element;
- Option to set a border radius for Service Table element;
- Option to set a border radius for Shop Category element;
- Option to set a border radius for Social Networks element;
- Option to set a border radius for Team Group element;
- Option to set a border radius for Team Member element;
- Option to set a border radius for Testimonial element;
- Option to set a border radius for Video element;
- Option to enable/disable dividers for Countdown element;
- Option to enable/disable a tilt effect for Banner element;
- Option to set a hover effect for Gallery element;
- Option to enable/disable a metro effect for Gallery element;
- Option to set a hover effect for Team Member element;
- Option to enable/disable a metro effect for Team Member element;
- Option to enable/disable a tilt effect for Gallery element;
- Option to set global buttons color;
- Option to set up a hamburger menu content typography;
- Option to set up a hamburger menu social networks typography;
- Option to choose a hamburger menu social networks type;
- Option to enable/disable portfolio tilt effect;
- Option to set portfolio tilt effect perspective value;
- Option to set portfolio revert effect;
- Option to enable/disable products tilt effect;
- Option to set products tilt effect perspective value;
- Option to enable/disable a metro style for products;
- Option to show/hide a video button for projects;
- Option to choose a product quickview button color;
- Option to show/hide a product sale tag;
- Option to show/hide an account icon;
- New Digital Agency demo template;

## Deprecated
- Split Section shortcode;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.0 version;
## Notes
We've improved theme's components and strongly recommend you making the following after update:
1. Regenerate CSS files (for Elementor builder)
2. Check the following Shortcodes/Widgets options for backward compatibility:
- Button: Styles → General option (for Elementor builder);
- Testimonial: General → Alignment option (for WPBakery builder); 
- Tabs: General → Direction option (for WPBakery builder);
- Heading: Subtitle → Divider option (for Elementor & WPBakery builders); 
- Countdown: General → Layout option (for Elementor & WPBakery builders);

# [Ver 2.4.4] – January 31, 2022

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

## Added
- Option to enable/disable preloader for specific pages added;
- WordPress 5.9 compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 6.1 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.3.3 version;

# [Ver 2.4.3] – December 6, 2021

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Testimonials Shortcode issue fixed;
- Missing VK icon issue fixed;
- Portfolio Projects Shortcode brand color option issue fixed;

## Added
- WooCommerce 5.9 compatibility added;
- ACF Pro 5.11 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.3.2 version;

# [Ver 2.4.2] – October 12, 2021

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Search page portfolio output issue fixed;
- Carousel widget animation issue fixed;

## Added
- Increased the number of max symbols for the text fields in Theme Settings;
- Option to add YouTube, Vimeo and custom video links in a single project added;
- Option to add page content top margin value added;
- Option to add page content bottom margin value added;
- WooCommerce 5.7 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.3.1 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 2.4.1] – August 16, 2021

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Portfolio page template issue fixed;
- Mobile typography issue fixed;

## Added
- Options to set global typography styles for H1 - H6 tags added;

## Updated
- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

# [Ver 2.4.0] – August 11, 2021

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Header with top logo height option issue fixed;
- Sticky product translation issue fixed;

## Added
- New socila network (Tripadvisor) added;
- WordPress 5.8 compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 5.5 compatibility added;
- PHP 8.0 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.3.0 version;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.2.2 version;

# [Ver 2.3.7] – June 16, 2021

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- WPML with 3+ languages issue fixed;
- Elementor Pro header and footer issue fixed;
- Portfolio global Theme Settings issue fixed;
- Theme Settings saving issue fixed;
- Subscribe window with gallery lightbox issue fixed;
- Call to action shortcode issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide cart totals added;
- WooCommerce 5.4 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.2.7 version;

# [Ver 2.3.6] – April 13, 2021

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Contact Form 7 forms issue fixed;
- Custom CSS code editor issue fixed;
- Portfolio load more pagination issue fixed;
- Sticky footer style issue fixed;
- Products double tap on mobile devices issue fixed;
- Products page adding to cart quantity issue issue fixed;

## Added
- WooCommerce 5.1 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.2.6 version;

# [Ver 2.3.5] – March 24, 2021

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Adding multiple products to the cart issue fixed;
- Mege menu structure (Elementor Pro compatibility) issue fixed;
- Polylang plugin compatibility issue fixed;
- Project lightbox for loaded projects issue fixed;
- Main menu ACF Pro custom fields visibility issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide language switcher in a hamburger menu added;
- BDroppy complatibility added;
- Ultimate Member complatibility added;
- WordPress 5.7 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.2.5 version;
## Notes
- We updated Header and Menu layouts to make it compatible with Elementor Pro plugin. 
Ensure that you cleared your browser's cache, if you will have any style issues after update.

# [Ver 2.3.4] – February 23, 2021

## Fixed
- Dark mode issue fixed;
- Open link in a new tab header button issue fixed;

# [Ver 2.3.3] – February 22, 2021

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- iOS/MacOS Countdown Widget crashing issue fixed;
- Ohio Portfolio plugin translation issue fixed;
- Sticky footer z-index issue fixed;
- Search button issue fixed;
- Custom fields visibility in the main menu issue fixed;
- RTL Dark/Light mode switcher issue fixed;
- Portfolio Vimeo video embedding issue fixed;
- Double logo issue fixed;

## Added
- Hide "Join the conversation" link when comments are disabled;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.2.4 version;
- Ohio Portfolio plugin to the 1.1.1 version;

# [Ver 2.3.2] – December 28, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Counter Widget duplication issue fixed;
- WPBakery shortcodes custom fonts issue fixed;

## Added
- Adaptive images support added;
- Option to set page boxed layout margins added;
- New Simple App demo added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.2.3 version;

# [Ver 2.3.1] – December 12, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Wide menu window horizontal scroll issue (in Safari) fixed;
- Horizontal accordion style issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to enable/disable color mode switcher on specific pages added;
- Option to choose default/outline portfolio video button type added;
- Coming soon mode added;
- Light/dark mode support added for portfolio sliders;
- WordPress 5.6 compatibility added
— WooCommerce 4.8 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Google Fonts list updated;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.2.1 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.2.2 version;
## Notes
- Ensure that your portfolio slider colors are still the same after update. 
  If not, set the required color mode by navigating to Page Settings → General → Dark mode;

# [Ver 2.3.0] – November 24, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Theme settings displaying in the Elementor preview mode issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to set left/right position for social networks added;
- Option to set left/right position for scroll to top added;
- Option to set left/right position for color mode switcher added;
- New Showcase Interactive demo added;
- New portfolio layout added;
- Color mode switching improved;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.2.1 version;

# [Ver 2.2.0] – November 4, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Product lightbox review link issue fixed;

## Added
- 500px social network added;
- Option to enable/disable standard header added;
- Option to enable/disable opening of the 1st level menu items as regular links added;
- Portfolio category taxonomy functionality added;
- Portfolio tag taxonomy functionality added;
- New Creative Agency demo added;
- New blog layout added;
- Demo Importer plugin enhanced with new demo installation options;

## Updated
- Ohio Portfolio plugin to the 1.1.0 version;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.2.0 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.2.0 version;

# [Ver 2.1.2] – October 16, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Mobile header issue fixed;

## Added
- Menu with center hamburger added;

## Updated
- WooCommerce 4.6.0 compatibility added;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.1.2 version;

# [Ver 2.1.1] – October 14, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Elementor parallax with stretched row issue fixed;
- Variable product lightbox issue fixed;
- Cross sales products issue fixed;

## Added
- Theme Settings strings added to the language file;
- Option to set a highlight text color added;
- Option to set the dark mode site background color added;
- Option to enable/disable portfolio tilt hover effect added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.1.1 version;

# [Ver 2.1.0] – October 1, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Elementor editor with enabled preloader issue fixed;
- Dark mode logo issue fixed;
- Author avatar in the archive and blog post issue fixed;
- Sticky product in the variable product issue fixed;
- Product grid with lazy load pagination issue fixed;

## Added
- Kaggle, Medium and Xing networks added;
- Product page back link button added;
- Option to set the dark mode for a specific page added;
- Option to set the number of related products added;
- Option to save color mode value added;
- Option to show/hide social networks added;
- Option to set portfolio lightbox description length added;
- Option to open social networks in a current/new tab added;
- User dashboard added;
- Theme activation feature added;
- Theme Settings UI improved;

## Updated
- WooCommerce 4.5.2 compatibility added;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.1.0 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.1.0 version;

# [Ver 2.0.0] – August 28, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Footer double logo issue fixed;
- Portfolio filters with load more pagination issue fixed;
- Fullscreen Slider Shortcode safari style issue fixed;
- WooCommerce VAT price issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to set portfolio project video button background color added;
- Option to set portfolio grid video button background color added;
- Elementor core integration added;
- Elementor Accordion widget added;
- Elementor Horizontal Accordion widget added;
- Elementor Banner widget added;
- Elementor Button widget added;
- Elementor Carousel widget added;
- Elementor Circle Progress widget added;
- Elementor Clients Logo widget added;
- Elementor Compare widget added;
- Elementor Contact Form widget added;
- Elementor Countdown widget added;
- Elementor Counter widget added;
- Elementor Dynamic Text widget added;
- Elementor Gallery widget added;
- Elementor Google Maps widget added;
- Elementor Heading widget added;
- Elementor Icon Box widget added;
- Elementor Instagram widget added;
- Elementor Pricing Table widget added;
- Elementor Process widget added;
- Elementor Progress Bar widget added;
- Elementor Blog Posts widget added;
- Elementor Portfolio Projects widget added;
- Elementor Service Table widget added;
- Elementor Social Networks widget added;
- Elementor Tabs widget added;
- Elementor Team Member widget added;
- Elementor Team Group widget added;
- Elementor Testimonial widget added;
- Elementor Vertical Slider widget added;
- Elementor Video widget added;
- Elementor Shop Categories widget added;
- Elementor importable home pages (Demo1 - Demo30) added;
- Elementor importable about pages (About Ver1 - About Ver6) added;
- Elementor importable contact pages (Contact Ver1 - Contact Ver6) added;
- Elementor importable blog page added;
- Elementor importable portfolio page added;
- Elementor importable portfolio projects added;
- Elementor importable products added;
- Elementor importable landing page added;
- Elementor importable all demo pages added;
- Elementor importable widgets (UI elements) added;

## Updated
- WooCommerce 4.4 compatibility added;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.0.8 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 2.0 version;

# [Ver 1.2.1] – August 12, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Mobile carousel navigation issue fixed;
- Custom fonts issue fixed;

## Updated
- WordPress 5.5 compatibility added;

# [Ver 1.2.0] – August 04, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Portfolio filter bar issue fixed;
- Product variation on a single product page issue fixed;
- Circle Progress Shortcode icon issue fixed;
- Product add to cart in old Safari browsers issue fixed;
- Mobile menu issue fixed;
- Carousel Shortcode mobile navigation issue fixed;
- Product page rating bar issue fixed;
- Category page headline issue fixed;

## Added
- Product variation details in the cart/checkout added;
- Option to define header content wrapper width added;
- Option to define footer content wrapper width added;
- Option to define header full-width layout spacing added;
- Option to define footer full-width layout spacing added;
- Option to set a custom project URL slug added;
- WPForms plugin compatibility added;
- Importable single projects added;

## Updated
- Font Awesome 5.14 compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 4.3.0 compatibility added;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.0.7 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.2.0 version;
- Ohio Portfolio plugin to the 1.0.2 version;

# [Ver 1.1.1] – June 12, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Shop catalog add to cart button issue fixed;
- Custom fonts usage in shortcodes only issue fixed;
- Alt attribute in portfolio projects issue fixed;
- Carousel Shortcode on mobile devices issue fixed;
- Portfolio lightbox project image duplication issue fixed;
- Contact Form Shortcode preloader issue fixed;
- Add to Cart in old Safari versions issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to enable/disable autoplay in the Video Shortcode added;
- Option to show/hide feature image on a single project added;
- Option to set recent post items per row added;
- Discord, Pinterest, SoundCloud, Spotify, Teamspeak, Telegram networks added;
- Option to set logo height for desktop and mobile devices added;
- Option to enable/disable Next/Prev product navigation added;
- Option to enable/disable color mode switcher on mobile devices added;
- Option to enable/disable multi-level menu indicator added;
- Option to enable/disable animation repeating for portfolio items added;
- Option to enable/disable animation repeating for blog items added;
- Option to enable/disable animation repeating for product items added;
- Compare Shortcode with vertical direction added;
- Option to disable global settings while importing added;

## Updated
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.0.6 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.1.0 version;

# [Ver 1.1.0] – May 07, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Gallery Shortcode pagination issue fixed;
- Clients Logo Shortcode issue fixed;
- Portfolio tags visibility issue fixed;
- Shop catalog add to cart button issue fixed;

## Added
- New socila networks (TikTok, Twitch, Mixer) added;
- breadcrumbs validation added;

## Updated
- Theme's language .POT file updated (translate issue);
- Font Awesome updated to the 5.13 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.9 version;
- WooCommerce 4.1.0 compatibility added;

# [Ver 1.0.9] – April 28, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Horizontal Accordion Shortcode issue fixed;
- Mobile sticky header issue fixed;
- Pricing Table Shortcode brand color issue fixed;
- Icon Box Shortcode Font Awesome issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to set logo size added;
- Option to enable/disable product gallery zoom effect added;
- Option to choose mobile menu added;

## Updated
- Google Fonts list updated;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.8 version;

# [Ver 1.0.8] – April 17, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- One-page menu mobile issue fixed;
- Menu Widget links color issue fixed;
- Portfolio carousel issue fixed;
- Portfolio slider parallax effect issue fixed;
- Tabs Shortcode mobile issue fixed;
- Next-Prev project navigation issue fixed;

## Added
- Project page revisions added;

## Updated
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.0.5 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.7 version;
- Ohio Portfolio plugin to the 1.0.1 version;

# [Ver 1.0.7] – March 24, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Show Project link without lightbox preview issue fixed;
- WPML switcher issue fixed;
- Portfolio Projects Shortcode thumbnail size option issue fixed;

## Added
- Caption cursor portfolio grid layout added;
- New single project layout added;
- Custom fonts usage added;
- Option to enable/disable page fadein effect added;
- Option to choose parallax/scale slider image effect for a sinlge project added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.6 version;
- WooCommerce 4.0.0 compatibility added;

# [Ver 1.0.6] – March 07, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Retina logo in the Ohio Logo Widget issue fixed;
- Centered menu with custom links issue fixed;
- Sticky header with centered menu issue fixed;
- Double logo issue on mobile devices issue fixed;

## Added
- Importable products added;
- Hamburger menu centered layout added;
- Hamburger menu creative layout added;
- Show/hide social networks in hamburger menu option added;
- Show/hide social networks in mobile menu option added;
- Hamburger menu layout local page option added;
- Light/dark color mode switcher option added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.5 version;

# [Ver 1.0.5] – February 26, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Extended menu third level+ issue fixed;

## Added
- New importable demo (Ohio Landing Page) added;
- New importable demo (Demo 3: Showcase Interactive) added;
- Portfolio layout with interactive links for Portfolio Page Template added;
- Portfolio layout with interactive links for Portfolio Projects Shortcode added;
- Fill background color global option added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.4 version;

# [Ver 1.0.4] – February 19, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Adobe Fonts typography issue fixed;
- Color switcher with enabled dark mode issue fixed;
- Demo import on the new host issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.0.3 version;
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.3 version;

# [Ver 1.0.3] – February 06, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Multiple lazy-load paginations issue fixed;
- Search page results pagination issue fixed;
- Social networks links issue fixed;
- Header language switcher issue fixed;

## Added
- Main demo website importable demo added;
- Percentage preloader type added;
- Light logo variant for the dark mode option;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.2 version;
- WooCommerce 3.9.0 compatibility added;

# [Ver 1.0.2] – January 21, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

## Added
- Option to choose hamburger position on mobile devices;
- Option to set active/inactive state for Accordion Shortcode items;
- Option to switch social networks type from text values to icons;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 1.0.1 version;
- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.0.2 version;

# [Ver 1.0.1] – January 14, 2020

## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

## Added
- Blog page with pre-made posts importable demo added;
- Portfolio page with pre-made projects importable demo added;

## Updated
- YITH WooCommerce Wishlist 3.0.0 + compatibility added;

# [Ver 1.0.0] – January 11, 2020

- Theme release 🎉

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